ANY ORDERS PLACED BETWEEN DEC 22 - DEC 29 will ship the week of DEC 30


1 1/2 oz @lyondistilling coffee rum (a collaboration with @ceremonycoffeeroasters)
1/2 oz @graywolfcraftdistilling Lone vodka (they make their vodka @lyondistilling)
1/2 oz Chai Pear Element Shrub
Barspoon of Blood Orange Saffron Element Shrub
1/2 oz black cherry simple syrup (a collaboration with my daughter 😉- she muddled the cherries)
A few dashes @dcembitterment Chocolate bitters (a collaboration with @undonechocolate)

Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake with ice. Strain and serve over new ice (preferably a big clear one). Add bitters and garnish with clementine twist and @luxardousa cherry.

To make the black cherry syrup, you will need:

1 cup fresh (pitted) black cherries
1 cup water
1/2 cup raw cane sugar
Zest of 1/2 a clementine
Pinch of salt

Muddle the cherries in a sauce pan and add other ingredients. Bring everything to a boil and then strain the solids out.

Instead of throwing the solids (cherries infused with orange, sugar and salt) away, put them into a dehydrator and you'll have a nice snack or garnish for later.